Case Study

GSM - Italcementi Group

Pont-à-Mousson, France


Bring together the preservation of the biological heritage, economic development and social progress.


In partnership with the town of Pont-à-Mousson (Meurthe-et-Moselle, located about 30 km from Nancy), GSM Lorraine implemented the preparatory work for the planning of a “halte fluviale” (a fluvial stop zone) on the Moselle river (on grazed grassland at the entry of the town). Complementary to this harbour zone an environmental zone has been redeveloped.


The ecological area provides a wealth of biodiversity at the heart of the Moselle alluvial valley. In order to preserve the stellar of marshes and to make sustainable the biological diversity of the site (protected by the order on biotope) a management committee gathering the village and different scientific et pedagogic associations has been created.

A pontoon, which can accommodate 40 boats, has been created for the harbour. In the future the site will have a 150 boats host capacity. The building of a harbour’s master office is planned as well as an observatory designed to observe nature.


The existence of a protected vegetal species, the stellar of marsh, and the global biological quality of this ecological area as well as a close area owned by VNF (French waterways association) led to the classification of the site as an order for the protection of the biotope. This order ensures the sustainability of the environmental wealth of these places.


Town of Pont-à-Mousson.

Environment Biodiversity Case Study
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