Case Study

Quartzsand Nudersdorf

Moellendorf Quarry, Nudersdorf, Germany


Improvement of the biodiversity through the example of the open cast quartz sand mine.


The Quarzsand GmbH Nudersdorf has been conducting its quarrying activities in strict accordance with the operation plans determined by the mining law. The restoration of the used surface areas has been carried out precisely in line with the regulations of the forestry guideline plan, the basic operating plan, the complementary landscape conservation plan and the main operating plan. The cooperation with NABU KV Wittenberg e.V. was the precondition for adjusting the restoration activity to the requirements of biodiversity.


Photo documentation of the as-is situation.

Compilation of a documentation.

First biotope care measures in the area of the open cast quarry.

Initial consultations with approval authorities, forestry authority and NABU.

Mapping of the biotope areas.

Measures for the prevention of negative factors of influence.


Conservation of plants and fauna diversity along the quarry area.

Reduction in the environmental impact.

The renaturation by way of special biotopes.

Rhynchosporion moor biotopes were formed on its own.


Bilder-Welt A.Korschefsky, Wittenberg and Nature Conservation Union (NABU), Wittenberg region.

Environment UEPG Sustainable Development Awards 2013
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