Case Study


Valdecarros, Spain

Potential impact on water or groundwater

A number of natural ponds for the recirculation and reuse of the water used in sand washing processes had several problems for the environment:

- Land occupation;

- High water consumption due to the high water content retained in tailings;

- High energy consumption in pumping mud and recirculation of cleaned water;

- Risk of spillage of water with solids and mud to public water courses.

Action on

Treatment plant/Mining waste treatment.

Description of the good practice

New water treatment cycle with thickener tank.

Resulting mud is collected from the bottom of the tank and directly charged in a lorry with a tank and transported to restoration areas.

Description of the positive effects on water/groundwater

Reduction of land occupation.

Minimisation of water consumption due to the low water content in the mud.

Reduction of energy consumption.

Elimination of the risk of spillage of water with solids and mud to public water courses.

The final output of the thickener tank is a good material for restoration uses.


In 2018, the project was still on going.

Environment Water Management Case Study
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