Case Study


Cambrillos, Toledo, Spain

Potential impact on water or groundwater

The potential impact is the inefficient use of water.

The aggregates, washed in treatment plants, have a high water consumption. In many cases, decantation rafts, which are large areas of clay-laden water arranged in such a way as to promote the settlement of solids enhancing the evaporation, are used. These rafts have high cleaning and maintenance costs.

Action on

Treatment plant.

Description of the good practice

The Company introduced a closed circuit to the aggregate washing process so that the used wash water was piped to a sludge settling tank to extract the suspended solid particles which can then be used in restoration areas. The clean water from the settling tank is then returned to the washing circuit.

Description of the positive effects on water/groundwater

- Reduced consumption of water;

- Elimination of the rafts of decantation;

- Obtaining of inert products so that they can be used in restoration and landfilling.



Environment Water Management Case Study
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