Case Study

LZR Lenz-Ziegler-Reifenscheid GmbH

Nordheim, Germany


The project “Gravel and Sand Extraction at the Nordheimer Au ”carried out by the Kitzingen enterprise LZR Lenz‐Ziegler‐Reifenscheid aims at creating a nature protection area. Also, the transformation of orchards into a nature protection area via gravel and sand extraction. The objective of the project “Gravel and Sand Extraction at the Nordheimer Au” is to create a river meadow landscape.


Riparian forests reputed as breeding grounds for biodiversity, have unfortunately, and to a large extent disappeared from our river landscapes. According to the German Government’s strategy of 2007 on biological diversity, by the year 2020 around two percent of Germany’s nature landscape will be able to take root undisturbed under the laws of nature, and areas of wilderness will be again evolving.


A water reservoir for Nordheim is created.

The nature trail “Nordheimer Vögelein” (Nordheim small birds) boosts tourism and the catering industry.


The gravel and sand extraction by LZR offers job security.

Barren wasteland abandoned orchards will evolve into a nature protection area.

Raw materials extraction is generating new habitats for many species of plants, animals and creatures.

Environment UEPG Sustainable Development Awards 2016
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