Case Study

Roadstone Provinces Ltd. - CRH

County Tipperary, Ireland


To preserve the nesting habitat of the sand martin. To develop a nesting habitat for ducks. To support a diversity of flora that will attract pheasants and wildlife.


This sand pit has been in operation under Roadstone Provinces for about 10 Years. The location also produces concrete and blocks. Sand martins use the soft unexcavated pit walls as a nesting habitat every year, from April through July. Extensive landscaping has occurred about the location and a variety of trees that support wildlife has been planted to date. Wild Grass that supports wildlife also grows about the location.


Sand Martins nest within the sand pit. The faces occupied by the sand martins are not disturbed. Mining operations are not suspended, but carried out in other parts of the quarry, taking care to avoid disturbing the birds.

There is a water storage lagoon area that was developed to attract ducks. The ducks will become accustomed to the location.

The landscaped areas have attracted a large quantity of pheasants. Wild Grass has been developed about the location and trees planted that will produce wild berries. The wild grass offers a secure habitat that is low growing and allows the pheasants to walk through.


Sand martins have chosen this site as their nesting habitat. They have nested in a section of the sand pit that will not be excavated in the near future. There is water storage pond below the nesting area.

The mallards now at about 10:00 am arrive to the office area to be fed. At all other times they stay within their own protected area.

The pheasants are visible throughout the year, during the months of March – May the cock pheasant becomes much more visible as they come out from protective cover in an attempt to attract the female.

Nesting habitats are never disturbed between the months of May through June.

Environment Biodiversity Case Study
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