Case Study

Netterden Zand en Grind

East Netherlands


To shift the agricultural landscape with a low biodiversity into a greater diversity and restored landscape.


The area is situated in a low structured, open landscape where in the past the pressure of agricultural industry has caused the disappearance of a lot of natural elements.


Together with their partners, Netterden Zand & Grind B.V. designed a layout plan and a land management plan for the project area.

Creation of habitats for endangered species.

Investigation and monitoring of the local populations of birds, butterflies, dragonflies, natterjack toads and the plant life every year.


The area is now an important breeding site for 71 species of breeding birds, 26 species of butterflies, 40 species of dragonflies and 320 species of plants, including some critical species that are quoted on the Red List of endangered species.

The successful regeneration of rare and endangered species such as natterjack toad, common tern, little ringed plover, sand martin and common sandpiper.

Key area for resting and feeding for bird migratory species.


Local birding society

Environment UEPG Sustainable Development Awards 2013
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